Be aware of your finances, but don't spend your time on them. That is the route I choose to take. Just like investing. KISS. Keep it simple stupid. 99.9% of my purchases are by card. Keeping track of...
In 1896, the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto published a paper that referred to the Pareto Principle. A principle that states that 20% of the causes produce 80% of the effects. He developed this pri...
"Wait a minute... I am only making 5 bucks an hour?", says the average American reading Your Money or Your Life. I just worked 3 hours to pay for a sh*tty meal at Burger King? Yes, it's true. Once ...
It is human nature to be lazy. It is so much easier. It is easier to drive to the grocery store than to ride a bike. It is easier to pay someone to mow your yard or shovel the driveway. It is easier t...
Never check your email again, outsource your daily tasks, refuse customers, and increase your revenue. Sounds crazy, but Tim Ferris created a book that helps you do all of that. Photo from fourhour...
I have lifted free weights for most of my life. I started in Junior High and continued through High School and College. I took a hiatus after college for a while, but started up again in my late twent...
I will start with the basics. I am a mid-thirty year-old with a wife, 2 3 kids, and my only debt is my mortgage. My wife and I currently work full-time, but are trying to embrace the ideology of ...